competitivewow. Hope this helps! 1. competitivewow

 Hope this helps! 1competitivewow  This is what my craft looked like, except that my actual craft was using a rank 3 overcharged overclocker for a higher chance at inspiration

If you have competent healers then Dathea can be easier as a 4 heal, 3 platform fight with tank going to 4th for interrupts while everyone else stays on boss. Basically all humanoid mobs in the zone drop it . 10. We were killing Tindral and prior to the. Click Choose. This is correct. OP is talking about the %s, not the actual number rank (they don't give that to you for bracket). ago. r/CompetitiveWoW. r/CompetitiveWoW Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Good riddance, they were ruining the boosting community. I have. If they do 8 weeks between each patch then we get a 24 week season which is about the sweet spot, right around 6 months. It tracks DOTs, buffs, and. The easiest way to deal with Bolstering is using a WA like Jan's Bolstering Helper which will put a moon marker on the mob with the highest HP. i believe they have 5 splits, they day raid the first day and then switch to 5 hour raid days. Hekili can detect what is your next best spell/skill to use and adjust for procs, this script take the next step and press the button for you. With the implementation of Dragonflight talents, many macros used for talent selection to a single keybind is no longer working for me. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. So average ilvl 418. Use this thread to discuss this week's affixes, routes, ideal comps, etc. I'm back with a new Raider's Survival Guide for 10. I’m looking to join the completionist group and make that my primary goal in SL. Because this is r/competitivewow and people want to be as efficient as possible. I haven't noticed yet that the modifier bugs. Low damage, long cast time and losing the mobility from Stellar Drift hurts a lot. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. at least for a 2-night guild. Radiant Spark starts at 0 stacks, so the first cast of AB gains +0% damage benefit, and the second cast gains +10%. As Ret and Fury/Arms are looking pretty suboptimal, you take these two for their respective buffs (hpal carries the other half of paladin buffs). Pull up the WCL Report you'd like to look at. You tank it on stairs and drop all even germinates then move down stairs. If the target is a great EM target, that outweighs sub-optimal gain from 3% crit. I am. 10. It has a big effect on army of the dead which is an 8 minute cd. Turn "Stat Weights" off if you don't. 25. I've had it 1 shot a tank through last stand for a few hundred thousand (once the entire expansion). It is extremely popular amongst cheaters, and just a step up from say Hekili. Can be used to review and avoid future deaths Playing fotm specs will make your runs easier but is not neccesary When pugging some groups seek only fotm classes The utility, DPS and survivablility they bring make for easier runs and getting groupsBoomkin feels dogshit in both M+ and raid, particularly all playstyle are funneled into the 3 dots and Circle of Life and Death, which is terrible in multi target. Members Online. • 5 yr. Fixed an issue that could cause an inappropriate amount of Shrapnel Bombs to spawn. Expel Harm is a waste of a global, and even if they increase the healing it will still be a waste of a global. It's very important to not use Blessing of Summer on any spec that uses pets or clones (windwalkers) as they cannot proc Summer damage, only direct abilities from the player can proc it. I personally use exorsus raid tools because it allows you to bind world markers. /cast [talent: 4/2] Phantom Singularity. Ensidia would later get banned in 2010 for the infamous. Xanbatou. Type /plater ---> Profiles ---> Import profile ---> Paste the string into the box that popped up and reload your UI once its done (if it doesnt reload automatically) 1 more reply. I often forget abilities I've seen in video walkthroughs by the time I get into the dungeon. It has a big effect on army of the dead which is an 8 minute cd. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. Storing this data enables you to get a success rate for each dungeon. 05sec difference. Go in your feral spirits weakaura, dive in conditions, grab trigger for cooldown, add in play sound in condition. Blizzard has just announced three upcoming events for 2022 WoW esports, celebrating a 15 year anniversary for World of Warcraft esports. Earth elemental does fuckall, it's 15% extra max health for a minute. Drhots. Yes, this time including Mythic, sorry for that ! It features also several languages, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and soon Ukrainian. I just ran Amidrissal. 2. ---Dynamic group CC and Defensives. 10. Remember for you and your raiders to get the Kaze Weakaura. We will be using those evoker grips and warlock gates, but we are still short of solutions for a. r/CompetitiveWoW. Last night I put this together and posted it. r/CompetitiveWoW • Raiders Guide to 10. 141. If we have seen all the mechanics Raszageth has to offer, Liquid casters are saying this boss is probably not doable without a hp nerf (or max ilvl). We know each patch cycle is 10. Season 3 M+ Trash Ability Tracking SheetPugs were causing wipes because they were not soaking every orb in P2. r/CompetitiveWoW Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. At 100 energy, Raszageth will conjure a gust of wind, pushing players away. The nerf is actually huge, because now you can survive failing the totem. r/CompetitiveWoW Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. r/CompetitiveWoW. You can be the 1000th top player parse for that fight but still be in the 95th percentile. 79 sentiment ratingHow competitive World of Warcraft sprung back to life 16 years after the game's release - Dot Esports Feb 10, 2021 4:18 pm World of Warcraft How competitive. I guess more likely that some jobs might receive buffs to one or two of their gems. name a more iconic duo. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. As you make attempts on a boss, take note of the exact timings for when heavy raid damage goes out. Not sure but you should be able to do /wm [@cursor] mark1. guru is now fully updated to support Season 3. Members Online. Different lengths of pull timers, text instructions mid combat, mounts, toys, switching specs and gearsets. The ring does flat healing so unless your class is undertuned it's just not going to keep up with high intensity fights. No special care has been taken to accomodate that for now as it's not as straight forward as we'd like it to be. Here you can see my. io API in AppScript for a spreadsheet that I manage. r/CompetitiveWoW Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Avoid verse and items with no mastery. Obligatory season post to warn you of all the spreadsheets you might be missing out on. Than again, WoW has very few flashy plays compared to games like League, Valorant. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. r/CompetitiveWoW Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. When I look at the 100 guilds with the highest pulls per hour, the disparity does go up from 28 to 35 though, so there's. MikePyp • 4 yr. When raszageth got killed they were at 408 which is 3 ilvl less than heroic. TLDR just get your M+ gear and talents on, paste /simc into the Quick Sim, and pick Mythic+ Composite from the dropdown. Tortillagirl. Smart heals don't work on these. The ring does flat healing so unless your class is undertuned it's just not going to keep up with high intensity fights. Leatrix Plus allows you to keybind them in the keybind menu. Patch 10. So if you upgrade from 392 to 418 you spend 150 Chaos, but if you go 392 to 405 to 418 you spend 250. My kick is always on c lol. Do not rush it! Wait for the circle to appear and him to start casting before going invisible. Winter 2023. Given the same command, but add the --best-runs argument e. If you are speed leveling on launch night, you do NOT want to go and collect all glyphs as soon as you unlock dragon riding. ago. Posts asking for stat weights will be removed because you can EASILY find this information by joining your classes discord (which has been provided on the right) 69 comments. Via Rogue Discord: " - After being pointed out by Lament last night, extensive testing and investigation has been done surrounding updated behavior about the CoS ring's AA damage bonus. r/Competitivewow is great of log help How to read logs - video by Jeathebelle. - Personal warnings using the Kaze ERT Weakaura. Method's Josh - despite his inflated ego and being actually an amazing healer himself - also claimed that Zaelia is just straight up the best healer in WoW's PVE. You can check how a class Plays / feels, but its DPS can be overbuffed or overnerfed any Time. We aren't anywhere near ~400 average raid ilvl at the moment; we're gearing a couple of our strongest healers up and we're relatively likely to get several 4sets by then, so that plus numerous 15-18 vaults, a couple of 20 vaults, and a 6/6 Heroic and 2/6 Mythic vault options might just see our ilvl skyrocket. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content. I well go ahead and say that I do mostly M+. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. 398 votes, 18 comments. ago. But my concern is trying to get into groups. However, there are 4 key ways in which you can get a huge amount of. The trade off being you now gain ~1. Also, launch to 10. It's very important to not use Blessing of Summer on any spec that uses pets or clones (windwalkers) as they cannot proc Summer damage, only direct abilities from the player can proc it. Hello again. 749 Online. I did find this, which has a collated list -. - Easily imported to Method Raid Tools Note. If you want the old side frame (only works in groups) use this macro (credit to my wife): /run local x = CompactRaidFrameManager if not x:IsVisible () then x:Show () else x:Hide () end. Members Online. For Blessing of Winter, you should. Note: All in Korthia. /s. Take this with a huge grain of salt for Healers as it is only considering hps and nothing else. x. With mythic - you need to be sure you don't have to cancel raid of a key player posts out. Can feign/meld Gigataze on Trixie instead of standing in cloud. 7. It's not easy at all. 2 PTR Class Tuning Developer Notes - Upcoming Augmentation Evoker Nerfs!. This regulatory headache is largely why Blizzard switched to NetEase instead. Please forgive me for the pseudo-repost, I foolishly made the last one an image post meaning I couldn't edit anything and my comment about one. • 5 yr. Weakness is pretty worth it. r/CompetitiveWoW. r/CompetitiveWoW. ago. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. While I can't help with the logs, from a bit of theorycrafting, the value of Windfury Totem should increase with certain melee specs and talents more than others. pandemicwindow = 4. 46. The upcoming pack has a high priority interrupt (collect sins), two curse dispellable anti-melee interruptable casts, and a stunnable magic dispellable heal effect (Siphon Life). There seems to be 4 modes. You use it in addition to a spark of dreams, to increase the ilvl, it occupies one of the optional reagent slots at the botom. Remember for you and your raiders to get the Kaze Weakaura. Looking at sims now is pretty useless, anything Can change and will probably change even after the patch is released. For example: /cast [flying] Surge Forward /cast Charge. r/CompetitiveWoW. For example, if you use your mouse and keyboard for movement, disabling your mouse movement should do the trick or vice versa. The WA will call all the healing Cooldown assignments to the individual players. The game isn't that popular viewership wise. 1. Imagine a 20 tyran grievous 2nd boss in Azure Vault lol. ago. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a. 5s interval for bone shield breaks for a bonus that will only effect max 5 targets outside of abom limb windows, it's by far the worst tier set blood has had. Season. I have a feeling that this isn't representative of the dps gains for burst window classes. 18. From 100 to 150 rating we get 0. Often times you’ll get to a point where you’ll have the majority of your raid NOT needing or wanting anything off certain bosses. The last boss of the dungeon has a combo where he starts by using Iron Spear on a random player, and then follows up with his charge. Use this thread to discuss this week's affixes, routes, ideal comps, etc. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. I haven't kept as current on the beta as I had wished, so please let me know any buffs or utilities I am missing. I'm fairly sure UHDK is the strongest spec in the game to get the first one due to army. Larias' Updated Raider's Guide to 10. STOP. If you were a dps warrior you'd want the pvp gear to raid with, and if you wanted to play the flag. Have an awesome raid tier! Boss Guide Playlist 7. Having 40 minute dungeons just feels bad, especially if you don't time it. The problem though is that an Augs performance is largely tied to the performance of the person their buffing. 5% and arcane is 12%. Paste the text into the field. This WA is made by Megawatt, I have just taken the liberty of modifying the mark settings to be in line. If the initial hit is higher than the HP percentage, it doesn't seem to proc after death, it never. I've since received a few points of feedback for visual clarity, and color coding issues. Edit: The bug is caused by the camera alignment perpendicular to the ground. )That’s just not true, arcane doesn’t get played because the two specs it competes with are also range but additionally are always top specs across the majority of seasons (fire/frost). The best way to coordinate healing cooldowns is to: Have all your healers run a WeakAura that displays the # of seconds that elapsed since the start of the fight. Please use the above link for finding out your stat weights so that you can input those values into pawn/statweightscore. New Site for Mythic Progression Stats. r/CompetitiveWoW. 13 sentiment rating Permalink /r/competitivewow , 2023-07-21, 20:19:04 , 5 score , +0. , Poison, Enrage etc. r/CompetitiveWoW. Comparing 3133122 with and without windfury, there is a 5. I've only been using Zen Tracker with a few different front ends for different type of content, but I've started to look into making the switch to OmniCD. Atcollins1993 • 7 mo. 11. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Final note: Remember that the total xp you can gain from crafting professions is 700k xp 400k xp per character. Saikomachi • 5 mo. I just made a test run on an alt with a +2 key to see how the log looks. Preferably something flashing with a. Hold-release means you have to find the right moment to queue the spell on a single key press down, and this was very inconsistent for me. Members Online. We don't use expel harm because vivify heals not only the recipient, but everyone with renewing mist on them as well. 4th Sheet: M+ Loot Table. The other weekly threads are: Weekly Raid Discussion - Sundays. 151942 Members. 2 - Updated with new info and a hilariously degenerate. That way, we can experience a puzzle solving experience like no other, and. Will have maybe 50% uptime. Especially because some of these dungeons and the new affix are particularly melee unfriendly too. This is key as if you do not dispel anything with it, it does not go on. t3 is the bis pvp gear, and makes characters ridicolous in bgs. Use this thread to discuss any- and everything concerning the raids. Resource for Competitive World of Warcraft. I'm not sure how useful this will be or even if it works the way I think, but you can always try. Eyegleam • 3 yr. You can jump over rotating beams on HK-8 gauntlet. Makes it MUCH easier to pick put your clone and CC it rapidly without having to turn. From what I could glean from a random issue tracker - the 'raid' portion of OmniCD only seems to work for "raids" with 5 or less people. #showtooltip. r/CompetitiveWoW. r/CompetitiveWoW. You can cancel BOTH by using Shadowmeld when targeted by Iron Spear. Hard agree, S1 was run by melee, imo S2 will be run by ranged. 2, Guardians of the Dream launches on November 7th (NA), November 8th (EU). ago. No doubt this bug absolutely sucks for Ready Checks and anyone bricking a key on live because of it, but in the grand scheme of things it's very minor. ) or other utility (e. But, make sure all of it only navigable via jumps, Nintendo-hard. For some people it seems to work like that but from my personal experience and others it never did. 10. r/CompetitiveWoW. Dream Wardens Reputation Seed Exploits Being Actioned - Accounts Locked, Renown Rolled. r/CompetitiveWoW. Having purges/MD is valuable for brood. WF on. It was easy to take shots at World of Warcraft in 2018. Our utility at the end of our tree is not great. Next tier you might be looking at 15% hp or less. That explains my issue with this. Given they’re also increasing stats on gear next tier to provide more of a gap in power between tiers, this shield may actually end up much less EHP than they intended. Monk - Peak of Serenity. I want to make this the go-to talent calculator for Dragonflight talents, so. r/CompetitiveWoW. I was between havoc and ele. 2 this hybrid build is preliminary stronger than today, the Convoke legendary will be standard and the Moonkin will have a choice between Arcanic Pulsar for quite a bit more DPS or the HoTW legendary which would increase output by roughly 30%. Ultimately, eight teams from the Americas and Europe. Members Online. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. Bacon-muffin • 1 mo. I tried doing an 18 fort Azure Vault with a group full of people who were 3700+ s3 and 2900+ s4 and we struggled hard on the 2nd boss because the damage during the phase where you have to kill the 4 adds is just insane. 0 None (Default) 1 Built-in. Percentile is a good thing to use here. Many raiders in Method have left the guild as a result of the ongoing issues with the Method Organization. alucryts • 2 yr. I believe it shows the range to the edge of the melee hitbox and not the centre of it. Preferably something flashing with a border or something. •. Set Icon: 240446. by Nerd-Brain14. So effectively and tl;dr, the stuff you see on Warcraftlogs is now only available after combat ends, not during it. There isn't currently a mechanism for getting a full log of the week's runs, so this will never say more than 10. I've followed a long a little bit, but I really don't know who has all left/joined, so feel free to chime in and clean me up with any info. /targetenemy your name here. Weekly M+ Discussion. Basically, she'll cast her "ultimate" based on whichever has more stacks -- more purple, eye of the storm and more yellow is sanctify. 5 orbs spawn for each player (that only you can see) and for each that reach boss, he gains permanent 3% damage increase per orb. Members Online. Last revised by. The lower the number, the more dim the not targeted plates are. Ctr scroll wheel up for hearthstone ctr scroll wheel down for minor immunity/defensive. Go to New Expression. "we really dont want you to play demonology" just say it ffs. Second, WCL has a live logging feature. I just ran Amidrissal. They're openly abusing 'scripts' to spam trade chat every 30seconds to 1 minute. When events such as a dungeon or raid encounter starting are written to the log, the recorder starts recording. x. 06% speed for each point of rating (17%) From 200 to 696 rating we get 0. ago. * Population - amount of unique players that meet any of the two conditions: - has a level 70 character and killed something in Vault Of The Incarnates Heroic Mode - has a level 70 character in a guild that killed something in Vault Of The Incarnates Heroic ModeThe previous talent system would let you create a macro for switching between spells from your talents e. /cast your CC ability. Good luck to my off brand movement users when you get to this boss. Turn on raid settings for raid encounters so it drops your details down to your desired fps. I'm the Healing Officer. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Upon expiration, stuns and inflicts 9 Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec if a Mark of Wind is found. If the number of debuffs was always locked at 4 between 10 or 14 people, then having a 14 person raid would make the mechanic much easier because dealing with 4 debuffs as people is easier than 4 debuffs with 10 people. Third time around she will only do 1 pulse AOE if she did 2 the previous phase but she can do 2 if she did 1 the last time around. The other weekly threads are: Weekly Raid Discussion - Sundays. UPDATED: 10. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. You have to time it perfectly, something like swapping sides 5 seconds in. Spires has a 39 minute timer, allowing for up to 4 Lusts. Members Online. Probably distancing themselves. /targetlasttarget (I think that works, only tested first two lines though. [With weekly restarts] Flamesworn Herald’s Flame Shield now absorbs 45% (was 55%) of its maximum health on Mythic difficulty. Raid attendance can be simply checked on warcraftlogs. ( Example) Beyond basic stats like pull count, I've got. ago. However, there are 4 key ways in which you can get a huge amount of. /targetlasttarget (I think that works, only tested first two lines though. Make a weakaura to trigger on that bigwig event. Zone map overlay nerfed, player icon removed. Browse, Filter and Export all season 3 Mythic+ Spells!. Got my key all the way up to a 20 ever bloom before failing at the council boss. Tikenium. hacked this together today - it auto-updates every ~12 hours (if nobody visited at the time and it should have updated, give it a minute and refresh, then it will be updated) edit: raised update interval to hourly, added rio api numbers for transparency. All three of these events will take place in the first half of 2022, allowing players to compete for. r/CompetitiveWoW: Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. We know each patch cycle is 10. Patch 10. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. 15 - My personal macros for 6 buttons which change depending on the form I'm in. *Here is where you can change the color of the Explosives nameplate, transparency, scale, etc. Members Online. Post to share tips/tricks on completing Aiding the Accord quickly on main/alts : r/CompetitiveWoW. peRs4uD. Your gpu isn't that strong realistically so I'm not surprised large encounters make your fps drop. This is a ballpark estimate of future patches since they can move up and down a few weeks for each patch depending on circumstances. Any bar mod like Bartender or Dominos has options to color your icons on. true. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. ago. This is what my craft looked like, except that my actual craft was using a rank 3 overcharged overclocker for a higher chance at inspiration. The Necrotic Wake. . It is such a terrible time and experience. io or ), VODs, etc. Also this scaling does not apply for mechanics that actually require the entire raid to react. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. 2nd Sheet: Season-2 ilvls and general info. I like it, works intitutive. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Necessary_Rant_2021 • 7 mo. r/CompetitiveWoW. 1.